cyber essentials

Cyber Essentials

Cybersecurity threats always puts a business at risk. IT systems are the core of most enterprises – be it an email system for a local business owner or sophisticated systems managing millions of transactions in your bank.

The increasing reliance of many companies on IT systems provides bigger opportunities for each of them. Increased risk comes with increased opportunity. The systems that are operated on a daily basis to perform our jobs are very vital targets for cyber criminals.

Nowadays, the risk of deliberate cyber-attacks on businesses is higher than ever before, and it is lawful duty to protect your organisation and the data you hold.

One may wonder, if the cyber criminals have a secret hideout to carry out the cyber-attacks. Not necessarily though, cyber-attacks can be executed from a coffee place or a restaurant or even from a living room depends on the hacker’s mindset. Age isn’t a factor for an individual to become a hacker. There is multiple news across the globe that involves a teenager performing hacks from anywhere and anytime. Therefore, be it state-sponsored hacking groups or teens, your cyber security could be prone.

Protecting you & your business from Cyber risks

We provide cybersecurity services to businesses or firms to mitigate the cyber risks. We understand our clients by working alongside to know how they user their IT services, assess the cyber risks to their business and customers.

Using the recent cloud-based technologies, Teceze helps in making your business more efficient, productive and cost-effective. Our technologies and the expertise joins hands in keeping your business safe. We offer consulting services to assist organisations in achieving Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certifications. Teceze consulting services help organisations not only meet the basic requirements of the Cyber Essentials scheme but exceed them with expert advice from our cyber security professionals. We work closely with you and your team to assist in helping you achieve certification, also provide expert advice and provide support as to how you can safeguard your business’ data. This involves your system reviewing, software, IT infrastructure and IT management, and IT policies.

Cyber Essentials offers enterprises/business with a baseline level of assurance for the protection of their cybersecurity. It is a mandatory requirement for firms who are willing to work with public sector firms.

Cyber Essentials Plus offers an advanced level of assurance which includes external testing of your company’s approach to cybersecurity.

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a Government supported and industry-backed scheme to help businesses protect and prevent themselves from cyber threats. The chances for cyber criminals and hackers to commit fraud or theft, industrial espionage, and to steal intellectual property is rapidly increasing due to the businesses relying solely on the evolving digital technologies.

Cyber Essentials defines a set of 5 key security controls – which if properly implemented then will protect businesses of any size from cyberattacks.

Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials offers 2 levels of certification; They are

Level 1: Cyber Essentials

This is a basic level of certification. It is provided on the basis of completing a self-assessment questionnaire that is verified by Teceze.

Level 2: Essentials Plus

This is an advanced level of Cyber Essentials. The companies will be working closely with us to assess the 5 key controls in practice with phishing attacks and hacking.

Why to consider Cyber Essentials?

To prevent attacks, that utilise the software and techniques which are freely available on the internet nowadays, by implementing the Cyber Essentials 5 controls.

Identifying the areas for improvement, even if your company has a good track record of security, by taking the internal assessment.

Obtaining the Cyber Essentials badge and accreditation is an indication that you and your organization take cybersecurity very seriously by abiding to Government standards.

What are the Cyber Essentials 5 key controls?

  1. Boundary Firewalls and Gateways

Use devices designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from private networks.

  1. Secure Configuration

Ensure that systems are configured in the most secure way for the need of the organisation.

  1. Access Control

Ensure only those who should have access to systems are provided access at an appropriate level.

  1. Malware Protection

Protection Ensure that virus and malware protection is installed and up to date.

  1. Patch Management

Ensure the latest, supported version of applications are used and all patches and updates applied.

The only way to protect what you’ve worked hard to build is to be vigilant when it comes to cybersecurity. If you’d like to know more about how your business can benefit from managed services, just give us a call, we are here to help.

+44 0208 050 5014
