Remote Working Penetration Testing
Remote Working Penetration Testing
Continuously detect and protect against attacks, anytime, anywhere.
What is Remote Working Penetration Test?
Remote working penetration test is conducted to detect cyber security threats and risks which might occur due to remote working solutions. Remote working solutions namely include Virtual Private Network (VPN), Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and a Virtual Desktop. This method of penetration testing is used to assess the security controls, cloud access and network controls in order to provide and maintain a secure work environment for your users.
Why You Need Remote Working Penetration Testing?
Every organization is compelled to adapt the current working scenario which is work from home or remote workforce. This situation opens the door for various challenges especially in terms of device security and network security. The users working remotely must have a secure device to access the company documents and data. Also, the network they use to access the internet regarding work must be secure too.
Remote working penetration testing gives you an accurate knowledge of how secure your external infrastructure is with regards to remote access. This penetration testing method is a combination of automated scans and manual evaluation. A complete report on the vulnerabilities discovered after the penetration testing will be presented to you and the assessment of your security controls will be validated.
Therefore, remote working penetration testing will ensure your organization is secure and the users accessing your company data from any part of the world is free from cyber threats and risks.
Organization’s need to perform remote working penetration testing because:
- 1. Minimal endpoint visibility.
- 2. Users access the company data via their personal devices.
- 3. Firewall security is ineffective.
- 4. User authentication and verification is a challenge.
- 5. The attack surface is bigger.
Key Benefits of Remote Working Penetration Testing?
Enabling Two-factor authentication and session management controls.
Better access controls.
Prevents reputational damage.
Providing a secure remote work environment to your employees and clients.
What Teceze’s Remote Working Penetration Testing Offers to Your Business?
Globally, remote workforce is the new reality. Teceze’s remote working penetration testing service will ensure your organization’s network security is out of reach from hackers and cyber risks.
Teceze’s remote working penetration testing solution finds vulnerabilities which might expose your infrastructure and assists in formulating a remediation to keep your business secure. We make sure your organization doesn’t suffer from insecure authentication, security misconfigurations, outdated software, inadequate patches and more.
Our services include;
- 1 .Remote Access Break-In Penetration Test
- 2. External Vulnerability Assessment
Our expert services keep your business secure from the following threats;
- VPN Misconfiguration
- Firewall Misconfiguration
- Cloud Misconfiguration
- Personal devices of the users (BYOD)
- Unauthenticated user access and controls
- Remote Desktop Protocol loopholes
Our remote working penetration testing undertakes a complete assessment of misconfigured infrastructure, devices and applications then identifies the security flaws that may cause a potential damage to your business and reputation. We offer our best services in keeping your remote workforce a secure working environment.
Our expert team is here to help with any questions you have regarding our products or services. Fill out the form below or contact us on +44 0208 050 5014