Data Centre
TecezeData Centre
Data Centre Optimization
At Teceze, we make it possible for clients to deliver data centre services to business users that boosts efficiency and cost effectiveness through Data Centre enhancement. This significantly improves service availability while assisting clients in developing a data centre that is capable of scaling up server availability when required. Our service can also assist clients in improving their storage capabilities, secure funding through a clear and concise business case, as well as, implement the data centre migration. All of this helps to reduce the costs by as much as 50% in facilities, real estate, IT support, maintenance and resources.
Data Centre Automation
Data centre’s routine workflows and processes — scheduling, monitoring, managing, delivering applications are handled and performed without human administration. Data centre automation automates the typically manual tasks associated with provisioning, patching and support of data centre services. Teceze help clients analyze business requirements and goals, identify, and automate solutions to, commonly known problems associated with the manual monitoring and troubleshooting.
Automating the Data Centre
The support, provisioning and patching of data centre services are often manual tasks but data centre automation removes the need for these. Therefore, we can assist clients to determine their business needs and goals through the correct level of analysis. This makes it possible to identify the automated solutions to tackle the most common problems. This will include the provisioning and management of data centre services, create a business case, create migration plans and carry out all required operational migrations. All current infrastructure technologies that underpin the business will be standardised and consolidated.
This provides a number of benefits:
– Completely removes the requirement for manual labour
– Reduced production support
– Lower maintenance costs
– Improved compliance reports and automation
– Enhanced delivery
– High quality data centre services delivered to end users
Implementation of Private Cloud
The aim of our private cloud implementation service is to deliver an Infrastructure-as-a- Service (IaaS) cloud computing solutions. These are aligned with a service catalogue that comes with discretionary service assurance definitions and metering and billing.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) private cloud options can be hosted by IaaS while simple integration with the Accenture Cloud Platform delivers a hybrid cloud. There are a number of benefits that are associated with this, such as a significant reduction of as much as 30% in server and storage footprint and a more efficient delivery of all services as well as self-service, which improves user interaction.
Storage Solutions
At Teceze, we understand that IT storage problems can range in size and differ from one client to the next. Therefore, our storage solutions calls on the highest level of specialist expertise to deal with the issues. As a result of this, our team of professionals work closely with you to:
– Identify current storage requirements and identify a solution which, not only future-proofs your storage needs but also, deals with the problem here and now
– Guarantee information availability while reducing costs through scalable technologies that are proven to deliver
– Match the correct costs and service level in relation to the storage of your information
– Meet the ever-changing needs of your business by introducing a tiered storage solution
– Enhance flexibility through the implementation of storage, file and sever virtualisation, further enhancing user capabilities.
While space is vital, your business will also be able to use resources in a more efficient way due to an enhanced level of accessibility and that leads to a more intelligent way of working. You will find that staff are removed from the situation of having to deal with storage problems, enabling them to focus more on the specific needs of your business.
– Storage can be utilised to a greater level
– Pooled storage makes it possible to backup, manage, provision and grow
– Storage can be migrated and consolidated in a more effective manner
– The standard of service will increase through a more dynamic way of adapting to the change in needs of your business.
Virtual Desktop Solution
Our Virtual Desktop Solution is designed to fit around the specific needs of your business, bringing together our experience and knowledge of desktop environment and through working with a wide range of clients covering many different areas. We take a very specific approach to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure by:
– Assessing and determining your specific requirements, all of which is carried out by technical architects and experts.
– Considering all options that are on offer from industry-leading VDI providers. We ensure our clients benefit in every possible way from the close-working relationships we have with these providers.
– Delivering your desktop infrastructure through creating a bespoke solution that is designed and piloted by us. It incorporates the right technology which makes publishing, streaming and delivery, a seamless process.
– Providing an infrastructure to all users regardless of location, whereby it can be expanded and adapted to suit your specific needs.
– Helping to maintain the VDI, we provide the correct documentation and training to IT staff as well as deliver the very best practice guidelines.
Our expert team is here to help with any questions you have regarding our products or services. Fill out the form below or contact us on +44 0208 050 5014