Software Defined WAN

Modernize Your Hybrid Network & Optimize SD-WAN Performance

62.9% of U.S. enterprises have adopted SaaS

SaaS offers many benefits, including lower capital investment and maintenance. However, it also increases the amount of network traffic, which subsequently increases latency.

80% of web traffic will be encrypted by 2020

Encryption is a huge benefit to enterprises when it comes to confidentiality. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are taking advantage of the cloak encryption provides to bypass security controls.

79% of Businesses experience growth in endpoint devices

Today's workforce is no longer tethered to a desktop computer on the office network. Users work from home and while traveling, often on unmanaged mobile devices.

What is Software-Defined (SD) WAN?

A software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is defined as a virtual WAN architecture, in which the control of network connections, application flows, policies, security mechanisms and general administration is separated from the underlying hardware.

An SD-WAN uses a centralized control mechanism to direct traffic across the WAN in a secure and intelligent way. This results in increased application performance, enhances user experience, boosts the productivity and reduces the IT costs.

SD-WAN Why you need it?

An SD-WAN architecture is scalable to serve new users and various office locations via automated Zero-touch provisioning. It provides optimum efficiency for cloud applications by dynamic path selection and agility against service outages and degradation.

The innovative technology behind an SD-WAN guarantees superior user experience for the employees in the digital workstations. It provides stable, efficient access to cloud applications, particularly bandwidth-intensive real-time solutions for VoIP and video conferencing.

SD-WAN | Software Defined WAN | teceze

How Companies can Benefit from SD-WAN?

Streamlined Network Management

SD-WAN essentially decouples the traffic management, monitoring, and management plane from the hardware. There will be no necessity to deploy certain software or hardware components in each of the remote sites — everything that is needed would be consolidated into a policy-driven, centralized management interface.

Designed to Support Your IT Infrastructure

SD-WAN, particularly cloud-enabled solutions, can be optimized to your organization’s specific IT infrastructure needs. By ensuring that mission-critical applications still have access to network resources despite varying loads, bandwidth can also be increased or decreased on-demand.

Increased Performance

An important aspect of SD-WAN services is increased network performance and agility. Since SD-WAN can automatically funnel your traffic through the fastest and most reliable connection, common network issues such as jitter and latency are considerably reduced.

Reliable Network

A capable SD-WAN solution is able to detect isolated outages and trigger a failover that switches sessions to another connection at a moment’s notice. This makes sure your core business is never disrupted in the event of blackouts in the locality.

What Teceze’s SD-WAN offers to Your Business?

SD-WANs improve the ability and efficiency of the networks they control, mission-critical applications rely on how well they operate. Thorough testing is important in selecting and configuring the right system for your particular network conditions, applications, and budget.

Use Teceze’ WAN emulators to validate how SD-WANs react to network impairments and understand how those changes affect the application end user experience. Get detailed insights on the most effective steps toward total SD-WAN optimization.

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